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If someone led you to water, would you drink it? #iswus

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

Do you feel every time you leave your home you should be wearing a nomax suit, because everybody is trying to scorch your earth. It kinda feels that way, doesn't it? Everything now a days seems so much more difficult, harder and takes longer. Somewhere back in the recesses of my mind, I kinda remember, computers were going to make our lives so much easier. We'd have more time for ourselves and our family. I'm thinking more like we're now working harder just to keep our heads above water and fix all the problems computers have afforded us. Come to think of it, I have less time to do what I really want. Hang with the family and possibly get a little Me time.

Everything revolves around that hardware on your desk, lap or in your hand. I definitely can't wait till they're small enough to fit like sunglasses and totally psyched for the day they fit inside my head. Ahhh, what will the future hold!

Do you feel a little part of humanity slipping away? I remember my dad telling me, "They wouldn't be making it if we didn't want it." Hmmm. Let's think about that for a minute. We want all this, so, the powers that be are only aquiescing to our requests. We are actually causing our own chaos. If you didn't buy into the need for more, better, faster on a daily basis, they wouldn't make it. We wouldn't be all stressed out; our children wouldn't be all zombied out and we may just have a few more greenbacks for an evening out with the family or a round of golf.

Now, as you know, Life goes way deeper than electronic devices and golf, but, I have a short attention span and we need to start somewhere.

As we know it, America has a laissez-faire economic philosophy, which basically means, a policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering. Meaning it's still the Wild West out there, but, now it smells like Chanel and walks in Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and Magli. What we really have is a Caveat Emptor philosophy in society. Which means, LET THE BUYER BEWARE. No one or very Few care about your benefit or well being. It's up to you to determine if anything and I mean anything is good, up to standard, safe, healthy, will help you or ultimately kill you. Unfortunately, no one really watches over things. Except the big Guy and there you gotta believe.

Now you ask yourself, aren't there powerful people or groups supposedly governing our actions. My answer, "One would think". Fact is, POWER has given way to GREED and it's still the Wild Wild West, Pardner.

How do we negotiate?

You say to yourself, Self I say, I'm just one little person. What can I do about it. I can't beat em. So, I may as well join em!


Everyone gives in and the Whole World spirals right down the bowl!

I know you're thinking the same thing many of us have.

The meek will never inherit the earth. The meek are going to keep getting spanked!

But, there is a truism that you may or may not be familiar with.

There are, "POWER IN NUMBERS."

The meek, we got the numbers!

So, how do we better our station in life?

First of all, by being able to weed out all the nonsense!

All the jargon about this gender and that gender and this color and that color and this guy and that girl, candidates etc...

Did you ever think it's all happening by design, so we fall into the blame, anger, fear, distraction.... game?

You got it. All that you think is going on right now is to keep you distracted from what is really happening. It's the game of misdirection. An old and swarthy trick. Get you so emotionally charged about your children, station in life, government and you won't see em coming. And by the time you do, it'll be too late.

You'll be in the Matrix soon! The gravitational pull will be too great.

"Scotty, I need more power....I'm giving it all she's got, Captain"

I'm thinking, we're gonna need a bigger boat".

YOU know what I mean.

Right now we need to use a little common sense and ask ourselves does any of this make sense.

I'm certainly not the sharpest tools in the shed, but, 1 and 1's gotta always be 2. No matter what they tell ya.

We have been sloth in our efforts to stand up for ourselves. The powers know and expect us to fall in line which is why their plan is working. So, think about what you really want out of life and ask yourself this, "how important is my family's life, liberty and pursuit of happiness?" This is your wakeup call. It Starts with US!

With Faith, all things are Possible


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